Ox Tools Global Holdings Ltd, is the UK company owned by Dean Hales, son of brethren leader Bruce Hales. UK Companies House shows the shareholders in the business and dividends paid on an annual basis. Imagine my surprise when I identified that a preference share holder was receiving an annual divided of 3% per share, and that the same share holder was an ex-communicated former member from the Hales favourite UK brethren family. Ox Tools in the UK has three different types of shares. Ordinary Shares - These are the normal 'run of the mill' shares, meaning that they own a share of the business and can vote on any changes. Ox Tools Global Holdings has circa 34 million of these shares, with Dean Hales and his other companies owning around 17 million. Each share has a value of £1. Growth Shares - These are shares that entitle the shareholder to a percentage if the business was sold for a price above a certain level. Preference Shares - These are shares that do not carry the right of an ordinary share, they can not vote or have a say in the business. These shares enable the shareholder to receive a dividend (a % return on their total value), usually annually. I uncovered that there are 3 types of Preference shares. Preference A, of which currently there are 14,945,030 shares all owned by one shareholder, Lee Hazell. Lee is no longer a member of the Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. It is rumoured that he still lives in the £4 million family home along with his family, who are all still members of the brethren. The value of the Preference A shares is £14,945,030 and Lee Hazell receives a dividend of 3% annually. Therefore receiving an annual dividend/payment of £448,350. Preference B, of which currently there are 9,510,474 shares owned by two shareholders, Jim and Penny Hazell, the parents of Lee Hazell. These also return an annual dividend of 3%. Giving Jim & Penny a total of £285,314 per year. In a recent development on the 25th January 2025, Ox Tools Global Holdings added a new shareholding called Preference C shares. A total of 24,455,504 shares are Preference C shares. They give a dividend/payment of 7% per annum. Thus holders of the Preference C shares will receive a total payment of over £1.7 million per year. Currently Ox Tools have not added the details of the Preference C shares to Companies House. I will update once this detail has been added. In summary it would appear somewhat unusual that a former member who has been ex-communicated and is now a "worldlie" is receiving £450,000 per year, when he is not employed by Ox Tools nor does he own any of the business. It would be more unusual if the rumours are correct and that he is still living in the family home alongside is brethren family. Then again this is the UK family that has by far the closest links to the Hales family. Following the publication of this story, I received information stating that Lee Hazell was back in the brethren as of this week. It will be interesting to see who has received the Preference C shares, a story to be continued! ![]()